
Invasive Weed Removal Specialists

Specialist in the removal of Bamboo

Is your property infested with bamboo? Has it come from a neighbouring property? We can help you.

Bamboo is fast becoming the next big invasive nonnative. A group of woody perennials with aggressive running rhizomes (roots) Bamboo has the ability to colonise whole areas very quickly, not respecting property borders causing damage to drains, paths or anything else in its way. Bamboo dig outs are becoming ever more popular as people realise the damage it has the potential to cause.


Specialist in the removal of Giant Hogweed

Is your property infested with Giant Hogweed? Has it come from a neighbouring property? We can help you.

Giant Hogweed is a tall and dangerous plant that needs to be carefully controlled. Its sap causes photosensitivity in the skin which can lead to severe blistering when exposed to sunlight. Giant hogweed is another water edge loving plant and needs to be controlled over a number of years using a bespoke management plan.

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Specialist in the removal of Himalayan Balsam

Is your property infested with Himalayan Balsam? Has it come from a neighbouring property? We can help you.

Himalayan Balsam is a large herbaceous annual capable of growing up to 2.5m in a year. It is widespread throughout the UK in taking a specific liking to riparian environments. Due to its quick growth and invasive nature it forms dense monocultures outcompeting native plants and leaves the water banks susceptible to flooding.


Let us tackle your invasive weed problem.
Request a survey today.